Open Spaces, Friendly Faces

Indian Run Meadows is a community of 325 single-family homes located in the heart of Dublin, Ohio.  

Our Park

The Indian Run Meadows Park spans 30 acres and includes a playground, gazebo and fishing pond.  The park is accessible via the multi-use paths, with entrances on Valley Stream and Fallen Timbers Drive (across from Erie Ct.)  A tunnel under Avery-Muirfield Drive safely connects residents to the 90 acre M.L. "Red" Nature Preserve with more ponds, an arboretum and the historic Fleming Cabin.

Open Spaces

Indian Run Meadows is laid out in a unique arrangement with irregularly shaped lots vs. neat rectangles.  The result is some back yards look out onto an open "meadow" vs directly to another house.  There are also a number of homes that back up to Indian Run Meadows park.

Ideal Location

Indian Run Meadows is just a half mile from the Kroger and Giant Eagle shopping centers, home to many shops, restaurants, banks, professional offices and the hospital.  We're about a mile from the Dublin Community Recreation Center.

Indian Run Meadows is also moderately walkable with some restaurants, services and a convenience store located at the Shops on Muirfield, located in the neighborhood.
Indian Run Meadows lies on both side of Muirfield Drive, just north of Post Road in the City of Dublin.  Indian Run Meadows was developed in six phases between 1984 and 1989 by Ryan Homes and M/I Homes. The 325 houses are predominately three and four bedroom two-stories averaging over 2000 square feet.

The streets in Indian Run Meadows are: Arapahoe Place, Blackhawk Court, Cavalry Court, Erie Court, Fallen Timbers Drive, Hopewell Street, Hopewell Court, Mesquite Court, Mojave Street, Muncie Court, Ottawa Place, Pueblo Court, Running Deer Court, Sachem Court, Schoolcraft Drive, Sells Mill Drive (one house), Sundown Court, Tara Hill Drive (partial), Valley Stream Drive, Wichita Drive, and Wichita Court.

Our Dublin City Schools are Scottish Corners Elementary, Karrer Middle School and Coffman High School

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