Real Estate

Real Estate

 Questions and Answers
Frequently Asked Questions

How much are dues?  What do I get for them?

Our annual mandatory dues of $65, is invoiced in August, and provides for the following:
  • Landscaping and maintenance of our Valley Stream Drive entrance, and 13 cul-de-sac islands
  • Liability insurance for common areas and Association officers
  • Legal fees
  • Communications fees (digital and print)
  • Bookkeeping fees
To pay your dues, click here.

What are the deed restrictions?

This is for Section 1, Part 2. All sections are similar. For all deed restrictions, lease visit the Franklin County Recorder website and perform a public records search for "indian run meadows"

Can I have a fence, deck or a shed?

In order to maintain the unique and precious green-space created by the "meadows" behind many homes in our neighborhood, fences are limited with respect to material, height and location by both City of Dublin code which requires adherence to the original Development Plan.  The Indian Run Meadows deed restrictions require that fences obtain Association permission. 

Dublin's fence ordinance is here.
The Development plan is here.  

Please refer to Page 10 - fences are limited to 48" height maximum, split-rail wood with black mesh.  They can only be constructed in the "build zone" of your lot.  This is generally a section of yard immediately to the rear of your house - where you could build a deck or patio.

Similarly, sheds are permissible with restrictions.  The City of Dublin planning department can assist you in determining the "build-zone" of your lot - where a shed is permitted.    Sheds are not permitted on the property lines.

Before beginning a building project, we recommend contacting Dublin Planning for guidance.   In accordance with our deed restrictions, the Association will also review your plans after approval by the City.  Finally, we encourage you to be open with your neighbors regarding construction projects.

My neighbor has weeds/trash cans visible/junk car in the street.

Although covered by our deed restrictions, we often turn to Dublin Code Enforcement for updated guidance and enforcement of these types of issues.

What about trash/recycling/yard waste collection, chipper truck requests, mosquito spraying, snow plowing etc.?

For information on City services, please visit their website.

To enter a request for City services, please use the GoDublin app.

Closing or refinancing question on dues or liens?

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